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Battles of the World General Knowledge MCQs - 6

Battles of the World General Knowledge MCQs - 6

1. Name the battle fought in the time of Hazrat Umar (R.A) in which the Byzantines lost Syria?
(a) Battle of Yarmook ✓
(b) Battle of Qadsiya
(c) Battle of Mota
(d) None of them

2. Name the first Civil War among the Muslims
(a) Battle of Siffm
(b) Battle of Nahrawan
(c) The Battle of Jamal ✓
(d) None of them

3. In which year Badr, the first battle in the history of Islam, was fought?
(a) 624 AD ✓
(b) 621 AD
(C) 619 AD
(d) 623 AD

4. The battle of Uhad was fought between 3000 kafirs and 700 Muslims in:
(a) 624 AD
(b) 625 AD ✓
(c) 622 AD
(d) 623 AD

5. Battle of Khandaq (Ditch) was fought in 627 AD between 10000 non-Muslims and 3000 Muslims troops. Who made the proposal for digging a ditch?
(a) Usman (RA)
(b) Khalid Bin Walid (RA)
(c) Salman Farsi (RA) ✓
(d) Umer (RA)

6. The battle of Hunain was fought just after the conquest of Makkah. Which of the following was the year?
(a) 626 AD
(b) 628 AD
(c) 625 AD
(d) 630 AD ✓

7. The battle of Khyber was fought in the year:
(a) 631 AD
(b) 627 AD
(c) 628 AD ✓
(d) 630 AD

8. An important battle was fought between Alexander the Great and Raja Porus in which Raja was defeated. In which year the battle was fought?
(a) 326 BC ✓
(b) 324 BC
let 321 BC
(d) 320 BC

9. A baffle was fought between Muhammad Ghouri and Prithvi Raj in 1192 AD. Muhammad Ghouri won the battle. Name the battle.
(a) Battle of Samugarh
(b) Battle of Kirke
(c) Battle of Talikota
(d) Battle of Tarain ✓

10. The third battle of Panipat was fought between Ahmad Shah Abdali and Marathas. Marathas were defeated and their military might was destroyed for ever. In which year the battle was fought?
(a) 1801 AD
(b) 1750 AD
(C) 1761 AD ✓
(d) 1758 AD

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