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Battles of the World General Knowledge MCQs - 3

Battles of the World General Knowledge MCQs - 3

1. Hundred-Year War was fought in 1338 A.D -1453 A.D between
(a) France and England ✓
(b) France and Germany
(c) England and Germany
(d) England and Dutch

2. Started in 1618 A.D. as religious-cum-political war between the Lutherans and Catholics in Germany and developed into an international is known as:
(a) War of Roses
(b) Thirty years war ✓
(c) Seven years war
(d) Boer war

3. A Civil War between Cavaliers (King Charles I supporters) and forces of Parliament led by Oliver Cromwell in which King Charles 1 was executed, was fought between .
(a) 1637 A.D, -1642 A.D
(b) 1642 A.D. - 1649 A.D ✓
(c) 1639 A.D.-1645 A.D.
(d) 1640 A.D.-1642 A.D.

4. In which battle the Dutch defeated Spaniards and Portugese in 1607 AD.?
(a) Battle of Plataea
(b) Battle of Gibraltar Bay ✓
(c) Battle of Arabia
(d) Battle of the Nile

5. The Seven-year war (1756 A.D. -1763 A.D.) was fought between
(a) France and Germany
(b) England and France
(c) England and Prussia ✓
(d) France and Austria

6. Battle of the Nile in which British and French fleets met Britain was victorious. When the battle was fought?
(a) 1798 A.D. ✓
(b) 1791 A.D.
(C) 1794 A.D.
(d) 1792 A.D

7. In 1805 British fleet defeated French and Spanish fleet. British fleet was commanded by Admiral Nelson who was killed during the battle. We are talking about_____.
(a) Battle of Trafalgar ✓
(b) Battle of Mycale
(c) Battle of Plataea
(d) Phoney War

8. Germany and Combined forces of Austria, Prussia and Russia defeated Napoleon in 1813 A.D. Name the battle?
(a) War of Roses
(b) Battle of Leipzig ✓
(c) Boer War
(d) Balkan War

9. In which battle British forces led by Duke of Wellington defeated French forces led by Napoleon Bonaparte?
(a) Battle of Waterloo ✓
(b) Battle of Leipzig
(c) Battle of Borodino
(d) War of Roses

10. First China war fought (1839-42 A.D.) between China and Britain is known as
(a) Balkan War
(b) Opium War ✓
(c) Battle of Mycale
(d) Boer War

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