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Nobel Prize General Knowledge MCQs - 4

Nobel Prize General Knowledge MCQs - 4

1. Who is the recipient of Nobel Prize for the development of Wireless Telegraphy?
(a) J.J. Thomson
(b) Kamerlingh Onnes
(c) Samuel Morse
(d) Marconi ✓

2. Who got first Nobel Prize in medicine in 1901
(a) Emil Von Behring ✓
(b) Samuel B, Morse
(c) Sir William Cook
(d) John Froelich

3. Who are the two brothers to have been awarded Nobel Prizes?
(a) William Bragg & Lawrence Bragg
(b) Niels Bohr & Aage N. Bohr
(c) Jan Tinbergen & Nikolaas Tinbergen ✓
(d) Manne Siegbahn & Kai M. Siegbahn

4. When was started nobei prize in economics?
(a) 1967
(b) 1901
(c) 1951
(d) 1969 ✓

5. Nobel Peace Prize for 2000 was awarded to the president of
(a) North Korea
(b) South Korea ✓
(c) Thailand
(d) Egypt

6. In how many fields Nobel Prize is distributed
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6 ✓

7. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on
(a) Special theory of relativity
(b) General theory of relativity ✓
(c) Theory of photoelectric effect
(d) Theory of Brownian motion

8. The scientist who shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with his son was
(a) Henri Antoine Becquerel
(b) Pierre Curie
(c) Louis De Broglie
(d) W. H. Bragg ✓

9. Who among the following received Nobel Prize for Unravelling the helical structure of proteins?
(a) Linus Pauling ✓
(b) Maurice Wilkins
(c) Sanger
(d) Watson and Crick

10. All kind of Nobel prizes except peace Nobel prize are distributed annually at?
(a) Manila
(b) Stockholm ✓
(c) Geneva
(d) New York

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