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World Records General Knowledge MCQs - 10

World Records General Knowledge MCQs - 10

1. Which is the least populous city of the world?

(a) Vatican ✓

(b) Moroni

(c) Port Novo

(d) Praia

2. Highest waterfall of the world is found in Venezuela. Which of the following is its name?

(a) Niagara Fall

(b) Angel Falls ✓

(c) Tugela

(d) Ribbon

3. Smallest Republic is Nauru covering 2,129 hectares. What is its population?

(a) 1,750

(b) 1,800

(c) 10,000 ✓

(d) 2,510

4. Which country set a world record by planting 541,176 saplings in a single day which has been duly recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records?

(a) USA

(b) India

(c) Pakistan ✓

(d) China

5. Nurek Dam is the highest dam in the world. It is located in which country?

(a) Turkamanistan

(b) Azirbaijan

(c) Tajikistan ✓

(d) None of these

6. Which one of the following is one of the seven wonders of Modern world?

(a) The Eiffel Tower ✓

(b) Temple of Artemis

(c) The Circus Maximise in Rome

(d) Hagia Sophia

7. Big Ben, a huge clock on the tower of the British Parliament was installed in the year

(a) 1840

(b) 1859 ✓

(c) 1855

(d) 1852

8. Which country's parliament is considered oldest parliament of the world

(a) UK

(b) China

(c) Iceland ✓

(d) Russia

9. Which is the longest Shipping canal of the world located in Baltic Sea?

(a) Suez

(b) Panama

(c) Beloye-More ✓

(d) Volga

10. Which is the largest airport of the world covering 223 sq km, having world's largest control tower 74 m high?

(a) King Abdul Aziz International Airport ✓

(b) Hethrow International Airport

(c) King Khalid international Airport

(d) Frankfurt International Airport

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