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Every Parents should listen to this: This is our Educational System. It is not about Education. It's a Marks Factory.

Every Parents should listen to this:

This is our Educational System.
It is not about Education.
It's a Marks Factory.
You pressure cook your children through 10 years series model examination papers to get good grades to go to prestigious higher education through rote learning.

And after investing all that money, torture and stress, you produced a child who can be replaced by a robot, an algorithm and automation systems.
All these rote learning is exactly what the robots can do and more accurately and efficiently than your child can do.
Computing power is growing so fast, rote learning educational system are now archaic and useless.

Yet, Singapore's Education ranks very high worldwide.


Because these ranking systems are also archaic, outdated and designed for the pre-internet era. Virtually obsolete now.

You thought you've gamed the system. But the system has gamed you instead.

The only way your child can have a fighting chance in the future is to do what the robots and algorithms cannot do.

Curiosity, Creativity, Courage, Compassion, Relationships, Love, Trust, Commitment, Calmness, Spirituality, Empathy, Collaboration, the ability to see beauty, to connect with nature and to be a good human being. These are the values of today and the future.

These are the values your child needs to have to grow up as a healthy and happy human being.

Via Jack Sim from Singapore 🇸🇬

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