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Nishtar Hospital is the largest hospital in Pakistan and was built


➢Nishtar  Hospital is  the  largest  hospital in Pakistan  and  was  built  in  1953. 
➢ Three radio  stations  were  working at  the time  of  partition. 
➢ 10 seats  are  reserved  for  non-muslims  in National  Assembly. 
➢ National  institute of  silicon  technology was established  in  1991. 
➢ Hazrat  Nizam-ud-Din  Auliya  was a  Sufi of Chishtia  Order. 
➢ Defense Council  was  formed  on  1st  April 1948. 
➢ Pakistan  irrigation  research  council  was founded  in  1964. 
➢ Security  Council  was formed  by  federal government  on  October  17,  1999. 
➢ National  data  base  registration  authority was  set  up  on  16th  February,  2000. 
➢ The official  and  national  sport  of  Pakistan is  field  hockey.  Cricket,  however,  is  the  most popular  sport.  The national  side  won  the  ICC World  Cup  in  1992. 
➢ Pakistan  qualified  for  the  Golf  World  Cup for  the  first  time  in  2009. ➢ One goal  of  the  current  government  is  to see  the  literacy  rate  reach  at  least 85%  over the  next  few  years. 
➢ About  1.7 million  refugees  from Afghanistan  live  in  Pakistan. 
➢ When was the  Constitution  of  1973 enforced?  14th  August  1973. 
➢ Who was the  first  Captain  of  Pakistan Cricket  Team?  Hafeez  Kardar 
➢ Who united  all  the  Sikhs  and  founded  a kingdom  in  the  Punjab?  Ranjit  Singh 
➢ Who was the  first  Chief  Minister of Balochistan  from  May  1972 to  February 1973?  Sardar  Atta  ullah  Mengal 
➢ When Pakistan  launched  its  first  space satellite  Badr-1?  July  16,  1990
 ➢ Maulana  Muhammad Ali Johar  issued Comrade  English  newspaper  from  Culcata  on 14th  January  1911. 
➢ “Al-Halal”  Urdu  newspaper  was  issued  by Maulana  Abu-Kalam-Azad  in  July  1912. 
➢ East Pakistan  was  separated  from rest  of the  country  on  16th  December  1971. 
➢ The first  Pakistani Postal stamp  was issued  in  July  1948. 
➢ During the  Mughal  period,  Portuguese traders  first  came  to  India. 
➢ Quaid-e-Azam  became  the  member  of Legislative  Council  from  Bombay  in  1906. 
➢ Bhutto stepped  in  as  the  president  and civilian  CMLA  of  Pakistan  on  20th  December 1971. 
➢ Land reforms  announced  by  PPP  regime on  1st  March  1972. ( Kamran Mahar ) ( Kamran Mahar ) 
➢ In which  Constitution  Islam  was  declared religion  of  the  state?  Constitution  of  1973 
➢ Urdu declared  as  official language in 1832. 
➢ Which  was the  first  public  airline  of ➢ Five members  were  nominated  by Muslim  League  for  the  Interim-Government in  1946. 
➢ When the government  of  Zulfiqar  Ali Bhutto  was  dismissed  and  third  Martial Law was enforced  by  General Zia-ul-Haq?  5th July,  1977 
➢ What happened  to  the  Constitution  of 1973  when  Martial Law was  imposed  in  1977 by  Zia-ul-Haq?  It  was  partially  suspended 
➢ President  Zia-ul-Haq  enforced  an  Interim Constitution  in  1981. 
➢ President  Zia-ul-Haq  constituted  Majlis-eShoora  (National  Assembly) in  December 1981. 
➢ First  Chairman  of  SPARCO  was Dr.  Abdus...

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