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Punjab Public Service Commission Written Test for Recruitment to the Post of LABOUR OFFICER (BS-16) - 2011

PPSC Solved Past Paper
Punjab Public Service Commission Written Test for Recruitment to the Post of LABOUR OFFICER (BS-16) - 2011

1. Freedom of Association is guaranteed through:
(a) Through Presidential Order
(B) As a Fundamental Right ✓
(C) By the Chief Election Commissioner
(D) By the Principles of Policy given in the Constitution

2. An action or law which is against the Principles of Policy
(A) Can be questioned for this contradiction
(B) Cannot be questioned for this contradiction
(C) Is invalid law promulgation ✓

3. The Fundamental Rights are enforceable through:
(A) The Supreme Court only
(B) The High Court
(C) Both (A) and (B) ✓
(D) The Parliament

4. The Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) consists of:
(A) National and Provincial Assemblies
(B) The Prime Minister and the National Assembly
(C) The President, National Assembly and the Senate ✓
(D) The Joint Session of National and Provincial Assemblies

5. If the Prime Minister intends to resign, he may address his resignation to:
(A) The Speaker, National Assembly
(B) The Chairman Senate
(C) The President ✓
(D) None of them

6. The Lower House of the Parliament is:
(A) The Senate
(B) The National Assembly ✓
(C) A Provincial Assembly
(D) Combination of Provincial Assemblies

7. The Governor is appointed by:
(A) The Prime Minister
(B) The Chief Minister
(C) The President ✓
(D) The National Assembly

8. The Constitution Committee for the 1973 Constitution consisted of:
(A) The Members of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)
(B) The Members of PPP and its election sites
(C) All the Political Parties ✓
(D) The President, the Prime Minister and four Chief Ministers

9. The Session of Senate is presided over by:
(A) The President
(B) The Speaker
(C) The Chairman ✓
(D) None of these

10. The Chief Election Commissioner is appointed for a term of:
(A) Five years
(B) As determined by the President
(C) Same term as is of the assemblies
(D) Three years ✓

11. Since its promulgation the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973 has been amended*:
(A) 19 times ✓
(B) 18 times
(C) 16 times
(D) 14 times

12. The name Islamic Republic of Pakistan was given in the:
(A) Constitution of 1973
(B) Zia-ul-Haq regime
(C) Constitution of 1962
(D) Constitution of 1956 ✓

13. The Objective Resolution was made part of substantive provisions of the Constitution of 1973:
(A) At the time of its promulgation in 1973
(B) By Presidential Order 14 of 1985 (Revival of Constitution Order) ✓
(C) Through amendments made in the Constitution in 1975
(D) Through a resolution of the Parliament (Majlis-e-Shoora)


14. Pick the correct word:
(A) Formdible
(B) Formidable ✓
(C) Firmdable
(D) Pharmidable

15. Mark the sentence which is with correct preposition:
(A) He was entitled for inherit of his father
(B) He was entitled to inherit his father ✓
(C) He was entitled on inheritance of his father
(D) He was entitled with inheritance of his father

16. Mark the synonym of "chair":
(A) Pedestal
(B) Boasting
(C) Seat ✓
(D) Pride

17. Choose the correct sentence:
(A) She resembles to her mother
(B) She resembles with her sister
(C) She resembles her cousin ✓
(D) The two brothers resemble on each other

18. Which one is the antonym of Fugitive?
(A) Immigrant
(B) Refugee
(C) Absconder
(D) Captive ✓

19. In a sentence “no sooner'’ is always followed by:
(A) That
(B) As
(C) Than ✓
(D) Then

20. One who is capable of dealing with many subjects is called:
(A) Genius
(B) Intellectual
(C) Versatile ✓
(D) Vulnerable

21. What is the one word substitution for a person who is unable to pay his debt:
(A) Poor
(B) Vagabond
(C) Solvent
(D) Insolvent ✓

22. His silence to refusal.
(A) Tantamount
(B) is tantamount ✓
(C) is tantamounting
(D) tantamounted

23. Pick the wrong word:
(A) Transpyre ✓
(B) Transfer
(C) Tranquil
(D) Tranquillity

24. The husband ruled by his wife is called:
(A) Penpricked
(B) Henpecked ✓
(C) Indebted
(D) Liquidator

25. The workman may seek indulgence the Labour Court for his guaranteed rights:
(A) Of
(B) To
(C) By
(D) From ✓

26. Which is the correct sentence:
(A) I am sick by your lies
(B) I am sick of your lies ✓
(C) I am sick from your lies
(D) I am sick to your lies

27. Which Is the correct sentence?
(A) He brushed on hiy argument
(B) He brushed aside my argument
(C) He brushed to my argument
(D) He brushed over my argument ✓

28. The swimmers should avoid a contaminated swimming pool.
(A) Entering
(B) being entered
(C) to enter ✓
(D) have entered

29. The noun form of the verb “excite" is:
(A) Exciting
(B) excited
(C) excitatement
(D) excitement ✓

30. The construction of Wullar Barrage shall result in:
(A) Scratching the canal irrigation in Pakistan
(B) Threat to defence measures ✓
(C) Minimizing energy production
(D) All of these

31. Sir Creek denotes:
(A) A mountain top in Northern area
(B) An ice berg of Siachen
(C) An island in Indian Ocean ✓
(D) None of these

32. Kashmir is important because of:
(A) Strategic location ✓
(B) Mountain range of Uranium
(C) Trade spot
(D) All of these

33. Diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan were severed.
(A) In 1961 ✓
(B) In 2010
(C) Never
(D) In every decade after 1947

34. Census in Pakistan is held:
(A) Every year
(B) After every 3 years
(C) After every 5 years
(D) Once in ten years ✓

35. Hatf III Missile is also called:
(A) Abdali Missile
(B) A.Q. Missile
(C) Ghaznavi Missile ✓
(D) Shaheen Missile

36. National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) was promulgated in the year:
(A) 2008
(B) 2005
(C) 2007 ✓
(D) 2009

39. The largest spoken language in Pakistan is:
(A) Urdu
(B) Punjabi ✓
(C) Sindhi
(D) Pushto

40. The Province with longest coast line:
(A) Sind
(B) Baluchistan ✓
(C) Punjab
(D) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

41. The largest artificial/grown forest of Pakistan:
(A) Chitral
(B) Gadon
(C) Chhanga Managa ✓
(D) Bannu

42. Shaiwal is the name of:
(A) A District of Punjab Province ✓
(B) A sub Division of Distt. Sargodha
(C) Both (a) & (b)
(D) The capital of old Rajwara State


43. A Trade Union is an association:
(A) For the welfare of the Traders
(B) For the right of the workmen ✓
(C) For collection of funds
(D) For enrichment of the labour leaders

44. Under the Punjab Industrial Relations Act, 2010, an appeal against a decision of the Labour Court lies:
(A) To the Senior Labor Court
(B) To the High Court
(C) To the National Industrial Commission
(D) To the Appellate Tribunal ✓

45. The function of the Labour Court is:
(A) To decide an industrial dispute
(B) To supervise a settlement between employer and workmen
(C) Both (A) & (B) ✓
(D) To supervises elections of C.B.A

46. The CBA (Collective Bargaining Agent) is:
(A) An organization of the Employers
(B) Constituted by Presidents of Labour Unions
(C) Determined by workmen through secret ballot ✓
(D) None of these

47. The Punjab Industrial Relations Act 2010:
(A) Has re-organized the National Industrial Relations Commission (NIRC)
(B) Has abolished the NIRC
(C) Has curtailed the jurisdiction of NIRC ✓
(D) Has enhanced the functions of NIRC

48. The child labour is:
(A) Prohibited under the Constitution ✓
(B) Permissible only in Football industry
(C) Permissible for limited period with the approval of the Social Welfare Officer
(D) Permissible under the law in under developed areas

49. Under the Punjab Industrial Relations Act, 2010 an unfair labour practice is:
(A) An offence cognizable by the Police
(B) Actionable before the NIRC
(C) Actionable before the Labour Court ✓
(D) Exclusively actionable before the Punjab Labour Appellate Tribunal

50. For the service of charge sheet against misconduct of a workman, the Industrial and Commercial Establishment (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1968 has prescribed a period of:
(A) 15 days
(B) 30 days ✓
(C) 45 days
(D) There is no limitation

51. Under the Constitution the employment of children is prohibited below the age of:
(A) 10 years
(B) 12 years
(C) 14 years ✓
(D) 16 years

52. The Headquarter of the International Labour Organization is established in:
(A) italy
(B) U.K.
(C) Switzerland ✓
(D) U.S.A.


53. The juncture where two segments of the River Nile known as “Nilain" joint together is in:
(A) Egypt
(B) Sudan ✓
(C) Palestine
(D) Jordan

54. Egypt is situated in the continent of:
(A) Asia
(B) Africa ✓
(C) Europe
(D) Other than these three

55. "Google" is:
(A) A famous sport brand
(B) A transport agency
(C) An internet search engine ✓
(D) A European Trade Union

56. D.M.S (Document Management System) includes:
(A) Word Processing
(B) Desktop Publishing ✓
(C) None of (A) & (B)
(D) Both(A)&(B)

57. In the Nuclear field N.P.T stands for:
(A) Non Polluting Test
(B) Non Proliferation Treaty ✓
(C) Net Particles Tube
(D) Neuro Person Text

58. Alumni denotes:
(A) Plural of Aluminium substance
(B) A former student ✓
(C) Celebration of Trade Unionism
(D) Renowned education institution

59. By the term “Third World” we understand:
(A) Third Party insurance companies
(B) Non-aligned countries
(C) Under developed countries ✓
(D) South Africa

60. The International Atomic Energy Agency has its Headquarters in:
(A) Geneva
(B) Canberra
(C) Paris
(D) Vienna ✓

61. Ban Ki Mon Is the:
(A) President Security Council
(B) Prime Minister of Japan
(C) Secretary General U.N.O ✓
(D) U.N. Disaster Management Representative

62. Jam-e-AI Azhar, one of the oldest universities Is located In:
(A) Iraq
(B) Jordan
(C) Egypt ✓
(D) Spain

63. The author of the book “Aawaz-I-Dost" is:
(A) Sir Sayyed Ahmad Khan
(B) Altaf Hussain Hali
(C) Josh Malih Abadi
(D) Mukhtar Masud ✓


64. The Zakat rate on Diamonds is:
(A) 2.5% ✓
(B) 5%
(C) 10%
(D) 20%

65. The Primary subject or theme and thesis of the Qur'an is:
(A) The man/human beings ✓
(B) The battles and their effects
(C) The injunction of Prayer (Nimaz), Zakat and Hajj
(D) The narration of Devil’s disobedience

66. The number of prisoners of war in Jang-e-Badr was:
(A) 47
(B) 71
(C) 73
(D) 70 ✓

67. Shab-e-Abi Talab (a valley near Macca) was:
(A) The refuge of Muslims against social boycott ✓
(B) An important trade passage
(C) A farm House of Abi Talab
(D) A lake for storage of water

68. Ushr and Khums are:
(A) Two months of Islamic Calendar
(B) Two kinds of Tax in Islam ✓
(C) Two prominent warriors of Islam
(D) None of these

69. The maximum number of Huffaz-e-Qur’an were martyred in the:
(A) Jang-e-Khandaq
(B) Jang-e-Uhad
(C) Jang-e-Yamama ✓
(D) Other than these three

70. Who was named as Brain of Arabia by the Prophet (PBUH):
(A) Hazrat Ali (RA)
(B) Hazrat Umar
(C) Hazrat Umro Bin Al Aas ✓
(D) Hazrat Abu Haraira

71. The First written constitution in the Islamic History is:
(A) Last Address of the Prophet at Hajj
(B) The Hudabia settlement
(C) The Treaty (Misaq) of Madina ✓
(D) Aaeen-e-Akbari or the Mughal era

72. Muttaficf Alae Tradidition (Hadith) of Prophet (PBUH) is the one reported by:
(A) Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim ✓
(B) Imam Ahmad Bln Hunmbal
(C) Imam Jaffer Sadiq
(D) Imam Malik

73. The Holy Quran contains Makkl and Madnl Suras. The Madni Suras have Emphasis are: (A) Ghazwat (Battles participated by the Prophet (PBUH))
(B) Laws of nature
(C) The social and religious laws and values ✓
(D) The historical facts

74. Ghazwa (battle) Furqan is the name for:
(A) Battle of Badar ✓
(B) Battle of Uhad
(C) Battle of Qaadsia
(D) Battle of Jama

75. Surah Al-Kausar is the shortest Surah of the Holy Quran. The number of its verses (Ayaa't) is:
(A) Three ✓
(B) Four
(C) Five
(D) Less than three

76. Which Surah is called “Ummul Kitab":
(A) Al-Baqra
(B) Al-Yasin
(C) Al-Fateha ✓
(D) Al-Rehman

77. The name of the Hill over which “Khutba Hajja-tul Wida* was delivered by the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W):
(A) Safa
(B) Marwa
(C) Jabl-i-Rehmat ✓
(D) None of these

78. The Holy Book “Zaboor" was revealed on which Prophet of Allah:
(A) Moosa (A.S)
(B) Ibrahim (A.S)
(C) Daud (A.S) ✓
(D) Ishaq (A.S)

79. The appropriation of Zakat on the construction of a mosque is:
(A) Valid expenditure
(B) Invalid expenditure ✓
(C) Permissible for limited purpose
(D) Permissible under the authority of the Head of the State


80. Hepatitis “C” is disease of:
(A) Lungs
(B) Kidney
(C) Abdomen
(D) Liver ✓

81. Discovery of Solar System is attributed to:
(A) Columbus
(B) Edison
(C) Copernicus ✓
(D) American Astronomers

82. Radioactive waves were discovered by:
(A) Al-Beruni
(B) Einstein
(C) Newton
(D) None of them ✓

83. Uphill journey makes the man bend forward to ensure:
(A) High Speed
(B) Stability ✓
(C) Avoiding fatigue
(D) Avoiding the beasts

84. The richest source of vitamin “D” is:
(A) Milk
(B) Orange
(C) Vegetable Oil
(D) Cod Liver Oil ✓

85. Cubic Meter is the unit of measurement of:
(A) Rain
(B) Snowfall
(C) Volume ✓
(D) Width of a substance

86. Angiography and Angioplasty mean:
(A) One single process
(B) Plastic surgery
(C) Two different but inter related processes ✓
(D) Diagnosis of diabetes

87. Heat of sun-rays to earth is reduced by:
(A) Oxygen
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Ozone ✓
(D) None of these

88. A “Drone" can be traced by:
(A) Radar ✓
(B) Laser
(C) Ultra Sound Waves
(D) Laptop

89. Odour (smell) is a component of the cooking gas. It is:
(A) Natural
(B) Added during excavation ✓
(C) Sometimes natural
(D) Sometimes artificial

90. In the Computer Science RAM stands for:
(A) Ready Access Memory
(B) Read all Memory
(C) Random Access Memory ✓
(D) Repeat all Memory

91. The unit that controls all parts of computer is:
(B) CPU ✓
(D) CD


92. A farmer pas 10% of the yield as Tax to the local council. If the quantity of the Tax is 100 K.G. what is the total yield:
(A) 1,00,000 K.G.
(B) 10,000 K.G.
(C) 1000 K.G. ✓
(D) 10,00,000 K.G.

93. The price of an article if increased by 25%, the percentage of consumption to be decreased for maintaining the same expenditure would be:
(A) 15%
(B) 18%
(C) 20% ✓
(D) 25%

94. If 50 meters of road makes 10% of the whole length of the road, the length of the road is:
(A) 500 meters
(B) 1500 meters
(C) 250 meters ✓
(D) 5000 meters

95. Cement In stock is 5000 bags, 4000 bags having been sold, percentage of the bags left behind is:
(A) 25%
(B) 10%
(C) 20% ✓
(D) 05%

96. Which number will come next:
3,6, 5, 20. 7,42, 9
(A) 12
(B) 93
(C) 72 ✓
(D) 46

97. Ope gram of gold is equal to milligrams of gold.
(A) 100 mg. gold
(B) 500 mg. gold
(C) 1000 mg. gold ✓
(D) 10000 mg. gold

98. In one square centimeter there are how many millimeters.
(A) 1000 Sqr. mm
(B) 10000 Sqr. mm
(C) 100 Sqr. mm ✓
(D) 10 Sqr. mm

99. The amount of 15% of sales Tax paid on an article comes to Rs. 1500. What is the actual price of the article.
(A) Rs. 1000
(B) Rs. 7500
(C) Rs. 10,000 ✓
(D) Rs. 15,500

100. lnsert the missing number: 4, 5,7,11
(A) 21
(B) 19 ✓
(C) 17
(D) 26

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