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PPSC Labor Officer Solved Past Papers 2014

1. Islamabad is part of which province?
(A) Sindh
(B) KP
(C) Punjab
(D) None of these ✓

2. Which country used to be called the “Sick Man of Europe" during the late 19th and early 20th Century?
(A) France
(B) Portugal
(C) Turkey ✓
(D) Iran

3. 1 inch is approximately equivalent to how many millimeters?
(A) 20
(B) 25 ✓
(C) 30
(D) 50

4. Which out of them is a Nobel Peace Prize winner?
(A) Jamal Abdul Nasir
(B) King Hussain of Jordan
(C) Raza Shah Pahelvi
(D) Yasser Arafat ✓

5. Who was the second President of USA?
(A) Thomas Jefferson
(B) James Madison
(C) James Monroe
(D) John Adams ✓

6. Which Is the largest (area wise) airport’ of the world?
(A) Kennedy Airport, New York
(B) Heathrow Airport, London
(C) Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam
(D) King Fahid Airport Dammam ✓
King Fahd International Airport (KFIA) in Dammam, Saudi Arabia is the largest airport in the world covering an area of 78,000 hectares.
7. "Olive Branch" Is symbol of:
(A) Prosperity
(B) Strength
(C) Peace ✓
(D) Success

8. “KLM" is the main airline of which country?
(A) Netherlands ✓
(B) France
(C) Spain
(D) Germany

9. Who discovered the sea route from Europe to India?
(A) Christopher Columbus
(B) Marco Polo
(C) Vasco De Gama ✓
(D) Sir Francis Drake

10. The Headquarter of UNESCO is:
(A) Vienna
(B) Paris ✓
(C) New York
(D) London

11. NPT is the abbreviation of:
(A) Non-proliferation Treaty ✓
(B) Neo-proliferation Treaty
(C) Non-proliferation Trust
(D) None of these

12. Who was the first Secretary General of OIC?
(A) Hassan Al-Touhami
(B) Tanku Abdul Rahman ✓
(C) Syed Sharif-ud-Din Pirzada
(D) Habib Chatty

13. Which country exercised veto power the most in Security Council of the U.N.O?
(A) USSR/Russia ✓
(C) UK
(D) China

14. Which is the most populous city in the world?
(A) Moscow
(B) Tokyo
(C) Shanghai ✓
(D) None of these

15. Which country is the largest producer of wheat?
(A) America
(B) China ✓
(C) Russia
(D) India

16. The brightest planet in the solar system is:
(A) Venus ✓
(B) Jupiter
(6) Earth
(D) Neptune

17. Warsaw is the capital of:
(A) Romania
(B) Bulgaria
(C) Hungary
(D) Poland ✓

18. The currency of Turkey is called:
(A) Dirham
(B) Lira ✓
(C) Peso
(D) Riyal

19. Which is the largest desert of the world?
(A) Gobi
(B) Thar
(C) Sonoran
(D) Sahara ✓

20. Shashi Tharoor is the latest biographer of:
(A) Nehru ✓
(B) Gandhi
(C) Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rehman
(D) Indra Gandhi

21. Per capita water availability in Pakistan is:
(A) decreasing ✓
(B) constant
(C) increasing
(D) fluctuating

22. The scientists have estimated the age of Universe as:
(A) 13 billion years ✓
(B) 25 billion years
(C) 11 billion years
(D) None of these

23. Which is the deepest Ocean of the world?
(A) Arctic
(B) Indian
(C) Atlantic
(D) Pacific ✓

24. Who presented the “Theory of Evolution”?
(A) Dr. Paui Muller
(B) Charles Darwin ✓
(C) Edward Jenner

25. Industrial Revolution started with the Invention of:
(A) Wheel
(B) Steam engine
(C) Spinning Jenny ✓
(D) Aeroplane

26. The Greek epics "Iliad" and “Odyssey” were written by:
(A) Homer ✓
(B) Euclid
(C) Aristotle
(D) Plato

27. “Dhyan Chand” was a legend of:
(A) Cricket
(B) Hockey ✓
(C) Football
(D) Athletics

28. Solar Eclipse occurs when:
(A) Earth comes between sun and moon
(B) Moon is at right angles to the earth
(C) Moon comes between sun and earth ✓
(D) Sun somes between moon and earth

29. The capital of Belgium is:
(A) Brussels ✓
(B) Manchester
(C) Zurich
(D) Bonn

30. “Interpol” is the:
(A) UNO's global uplift plan
(B) International Criminal Police ✓
(C) Agency for environmental protection
(D) Forum to settle inter-country water disputes

31. Which river is most often mentioned in the Bible?
(A) Colorado
(B) Jordan ✓
(C) Darling
(D) Ganges

32. “Good consists in creating the greatest happiness for the largest number of people”. This theory is termed as:
(A) Utilitarianism ✓
(B) Aristotellanism
(C) Humanism
(D) Pragmatism

33. “Burj-al-Khallfa” _____ the tallest standing structure at present is located at:
(A) Jaddah
(B) Cairo
(C) Doha
(D) Dubai ✓

34. Who Invented dynamite?
(A) Dr. Alfred B. Nobel ✓
(B) H.W. Seeley
(C) Lionel Lukin
(D) Roger Bacon

35. “Fungus” Is a Latin word which means:
(A) party
(B) sky
(C) mushrooms ✓
(D) beast

36. “Dermatology” is a branch of medical science which deals with:
(A) digestion problems
(B) skin diseases ✓
(C) hair plantation
(D) nervous tension

37. “My life — a fragment" is a book written by:
(Al Syed Ameer Ali
(B) Abu-al-Kalam Azad
(C) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(D) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar ✓

38. “Magna Carta” Is signed by King John of England In 1215 declared that:
(A) England Is the greatest country of Europe
(B) the King Is subject to law ✓
(C) London will be England's capital
(D) the English Crown will remain forever

39. “Pravda” Is the most Important Newspaper of which country?
(A) Iran
(B) Canada
(C) Germany
(D) Russia ✓

40. Which of the following is not an official language of the U.N.O?
(A) English
(B) French
(C) Chinese
(D) Japanese ✓

41. Which Is the biggest forex-earner of Pakistan out of the following:
(A) Cotton ✓
(B) expatriates
(C) Sugar
(D) sports goods

42. Pakistan's national flower is:
(A) Rose
(B) Jasmin ✓
(C) Touch me not
(D) None of these

43. Pakistan won the cricket world cup in:
(A) 1996
(B) 1986
(C) 1992 ✓
(D) 2000

44. Who built the “Rohatas Fort” near Jhelum?
(A) Akbar
(B) Sher Shah Suri ✓
(C) Shah Jahan
(D) Shahab-ud-din Gauri

45. From which country Pakistan purchased Gawader?
(A) Iran
(B) Russia
(C) Kuwait
(D) Oman ✓

46. “The Sole Spokesman" was written by:
(A) Dr. Waheed-uz-Zaman
(B) Musarrat Hussain Zubalri
(C) Hector Bolltho
(D) Ayehsa Jalal ✓

47. Choudhary Rehmat All published his pamphlet “Now or Never" in:
(A) 1922
(B) 1933 ✓
(C) 1937
(D) 1942

48. The length of Indo-Pak border is:
(A) 1600 km
(B) 2240 km ✓
(C) 2500 km
(D) 1000 km

49. Pakistan's capital was shifted from Karachi to Islamabad In:
(A) 1854
(B) 1958
(C) 1964 ✓
(D) 1968

50. The second Chief Minister of Punjab was:
(A) Iftikhar Hussain Khan Mumdot 
(B) Mian Mumtaz Daultana ✓
(C) Feroz Khan Noon
(D) Abdul Hamid Khan Dasti

51. Baluchistan attained the status of a province In:
(A) 1970 ✓
(B) 1973
(C) 1977
(D) 1985

52. Which of the following served as a Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan?
(A) Llaqat Ail Khan
(B) Ch. Shujaat Hussain
(C) Zafar Ullah Jamall
(D) Ghulam Mustafa Jatol ✓

53. Who was the first President (speaker) of Pakistan’s National Assembly? 
(A) Maulvl Tamlzuddln Khan
(B) Quaid-I-Azam Muhammad Ail Jinnah  ✓
(C) Abdul Wahab Khan
(D) Abdul Jabbar Khan

54. Who was the first recipient of Nlshan-i-Halder?
(A) Captain Muhammad Sarwar ✓
(B) Major Tufall Muhammad
(C) Major Muhammad Akram
(D) None of these

55. National Defence University (NDU) of Pakistan is located at:
(A) Karachi
(B) Lahore
(C) Rawalpindi ✓
(D) Quetta

56. A Colonel of Pakistan army Is equal to which rank of Navy?
(A) Captain ✓
(B) Lieutenant
(C) Commander
(D) Commodore

57. In 1905 which Important event of Indian history took place:
(A) Formation of All-lndia Muslim League
(B) Partition of Bengal ✓
(C) Minto-Morley Reforms
(D) None of these

58. "Jallianwala Bagh" is located in:
(A) Lahore
(B) Delhi
(C) Lucknow
(D) Amritsar ✓

59. Pakistan Resolution of 1940 was seconded by:
(A) Chaudhry Khaliq-uz-Zaman ✓
(B) Maulvi Fazal-ul-Haq
(C) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(D) Liaqat All Khan

60. "Hindu Mahasaba* was:
(A) a committee to hold accountability of Hindu leadership
(B) an extremist Hindu organization ✓
(C) a religious council to revive original form of Hinduism
(D) None of these

61. On 16th August 1946; what was observed on the call of Muslim League?
(A) Deliverance day
(B) independence day
(C) Yum-l-Shaukhat-l-lslam
(D) Direct Action day ✓

62. Out of following early problems of Pakistan; which one had no connection with India? 
(A) Division of financial and military assets
(B) Kashmir Issue
(C) Language problem ✓
(D) Canal water dispute

63. The Bicameral legislature was first time introduced vide constitution of:
(A) 1973 ✓
(B) 1962
(C) 1956
(D) Provisional Constitution of 1972

64. Which Pass out of the following connects Pakistan with China?
(A) Killk Pass
(B) Khunjrab Pass ✓
(C) Badawai Pass
(D) Khan Kun Pass

65. Which city has highest mean annual rainfall?
(A) Murree ✓
(B) Lasbelia
(C) Sialkot
(D) Chitral

66. “Eye Wash" means:
(A) some one's beloved
(B) deceit ✓
(C) fondness of vising new places
(D) a woman with a bright face

67. Exports in Chemicals and^ugar sectors have a phenomenal rise this year.
(A) projected
(B) proclaimed
(C) registered ✓
(D) declared

68. Which out of the following Is not a novel by Thomas Hardy?
(A) The Return of the Native
(B) Tess of the D'Urbervllles
(C) The Winner Stands Alone ✓
(D) Under the Greenwood tree

69. Which one out of the following is not a synonym of "exactness"?
(A) fauitnessness
(B) accuracy
(C) correctness
(D) imprecision ✓

70. A specialist who measures your eyesight is
(A) optician ✓
(B) ophthalmologist
(C) optometrist
(D) None of these

71. He was a fair-minded person and whenever he arbitrated, his verdict was
(A) misinformed
(B) prejudiced
(C) detrimental
(D) disinterested ✓

72. A person who studies rocks and soils is a ____________.
(A) botanist
(B) geologist ✓
(C) archaeologist
(D) geophysicist

73. Which of the following is not an antonym of “marvellous"?
(A)  ✓

74. To play into another's hand is to put oneself under another’s 
(A) possession 
(B) game
(C) plot
(D) control ✓

75. “Lingua Franca* means
(A) a beautiful girl
(B) a difficult exam
(C) an unknown person
(D) a common language ✓

76. How many amendments have been made in the original draft of Constitution of 1973; up till now?
(A) 19
(B) 20
(C) 21 ✓
(D) 18

77. The Constitution of Pakistan is comprised of how many parts.
(A) X
(B) V
(C) XII ✓
(D) XX

78. The Constitution of 1973 came into force on:
(A) 14th August 1973 ✓
(B) 10th April 1973
(C) 12th April 1973
(D) None of these

79. When National Assembly and Senate are referred together, they are termed as:
(A) Majills-e-Shoora
(B) Parliament
(C) Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) ✓
(D) None of these

80. Under which article of the Constitution; ft’s abrogation, subversion or suspension have been declared a “high treason”?
(A) 9
(B) 3
(C) 6 ✓
(D) 10

81. Chapter-I of the Part-ll of the Constitution exclusively deals with:
(A) Election of the President
(B) Fundamental Rights ✓
(C) Provincial Assemblies
(D) Financial Matters

82. Pakistan's Constitution provides protection against retrospective punishment: 
(A) yes ✓
(B) No
(C) Not mentioned
(D) is vague

83. The Constitution of Pakistan guarantees:
(A) Equality of citizens
(B) Preservation of language, script and culture
(C) Protection of property rights
(D) All of these ✓

84. The President of Pakistan can hold office for:
(A) only one term of five years
(B) Two consecutive terms ✓
(C) an unlimited period
(D) None of these

85. According to the present form of Constitution the govt, can hold a referendum on any of national importance:
(A) Yes ✓
(B) No
(C) Vaaue
(D) not mentioned

86. A Prime Minister against whom a motion of no confidence has been tabled can advise the President to dissolve the National Assembly:
(A) No ✓
(B) Yes
(C) Not Mentioned
(D) Not clear In the Constitution

87. A person shall be disqualified from being elected or chosen as, and from being a member of the parliament If:
(A) he Is an undischarged insolvent
(B) he holds an office of profits In the service of Pakistan
(C) he has been convicted for any offence involving moral turpitude
(D) all of these ✓

88. Only that person can be appointed as Attorney General of Pakistan who is eligible for appointment is:
(A) Judge of the High Court
(B) Judge of the Supreme Court ✓
(C) Ombudsman
(D) Chairman of Islamic Ideology Council

89. A provincial govt, can construct power houses and grid stations and lay transmission lines for use within the province:
(A) yes ✓
(B) no
(C) not mentioned
(D) vaguely mentioned

90. Under Article 160 of the Constitution the distribution of Revenues between the Federation and the Province is made by:
(A) Cabinet Committee on Finance
(B) Chief Justice of Pakistan
(C) President as per recommendation of Finance Secretary
(D) National Finance Commission ✓

91. In result of Supreme Court’s decision in 1988, the Bonded Labour Abolition Act was passed in:
(A) 1989
(B) 1992 ✓
(C) 1994
(D) None of these

92. Pakistani Labour Laws* define a ’Child’ as' anyone under the age of: 
(A) 15
(B) 16
(C) 20
(D) 10

93. Pakistan's estimated labour force stands approximately at:
(A) 62.00 million
(B) 4.52 million 
(C) 51.78 million ✓
(D) 09.00 million

94. Which article of the Pakistan's Constitution has prohibited all forms of forced labour in human beings?
(A) 11 ✓
(B) 19
(C) 27
(D) none of these

95. Article 17 of the Pakistan's Constitution:
(A) allows every citizen to form associations or unions ✓
(B) declares that all citizens are equal before law
(C) guarantees well being of citizens without discrimination
(D) All of them

96. Application for registration of a trade union is to be submitted before:
(A) DCO of the district
(B) Registrar of Trade Unions ✓
(C) IG Police
(D) Secretary Labour

97. Which organ of the UNO deals with the affairs of Labours at International level? *
(D) ILO ✓

98. According to Pakistan laws “Collective bargaining” is:
(A) legal ✓
(B) illegal
(C) conditionally legal
(D) not dearly mentioned any where

99. A strike/lockout is illegal if it is:
(A) commenced without giving notice to other party
(B) continued despite prohibition orders by the Competent Authority
(C) continued In a period when settlement of award is in operation
(D) All of them ✓

100. Labour Judiciary is:
(A) Local Labour Courts
(B) Labour Appellate Tribunals
(C) National Industrial Relations Commission
(D) All of them ✓

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