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Join Our Arabic Literacy Program!

Join Our Arabic Literacy Program!

Coming to a new country is one of the hardest things a person can do. You have to have a lot of strength to move away from everyone and everything you’ve ever known. Adjusting to a new country isn’t easy. The struggles can include culture shock, homesickness, racism and discrimination, and learning a new language. Even though all immigrants face challenges, we wanted to focus on the challenges that Middle Eastern-North African (MENA) immigrants face.

Immigrating to a new country isn't easy.

In 2016, there were over 1.1 million MENA immigrants. About 70% came from Middle Eastern countries, such as Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. The remaining 30% came from North African countries, such as Egypt, Morocco, and Sudan. About 75% spoke only Arabic, and 11% spoke only English.

As a group, MENA immigrants have unique challenges. Only 57% of those ages 16 and over were in the labor force in 2016, compared to 66% of all immigrants. In 2015, 27% of MENA immigrant families lived in poverty, compared to 17% of all immigrants and 14% of U.S.-born families.

Like most immigrants, MENA immigrants and their children can find themselves caught in a “no-man’s land.” It can be hard to hold on to your culture of origin while also adopting American culture.

How do you adopt a new culture while holding onto an old one?

What if it doesn’t have to be this way, though? What if there was a way to hold on to one while embracing the other?

At ReDefiners World Languages, our goal is to create multicultural people through language lessons. If you’re looking for a way to connect with your MENA ancestry, consider participating in our Arabic Literacy Program! We have two courses available, one for adults and the other for families with children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Both help students to develop reading and writing skills in Arabic. The family class runs from 10 AM-Noon every Saturday at our Tampa office (8056 N 56th St, Tampa, FL 33617), and it costs $60 per week for up to three children. The adult class runs from 12:30-2:30 PM every Saturday at our Tampa office, and it costs $360 for a 3-month term.

Taking Arabic lessons can help you to maintain your MENA ancestry.

If you’re unable to meet with us in person, consider taking an online Arabic or English course with us! Our online classes are available for adults and children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Our programs of study are immersive, meaning that you will learn to communicate in everyday life. We offer a customized, standards-based curriculum designed to meet your learning needs. Each course comes with engaging and interactive practice materials and free live virtual office hours for additional support. Try a free lesson before you commit, then sign up for a 3-month term. For an extra discount, sign up for more than one term.

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